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Ethos by Lewis Le Val (Video Download)

Ethos by Lewis Le Val (Video Download)

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More mentalism from Lewis Le Val that does not require the use of deception or trickery in any way. Everything you do here is HAPPENING FOR REAL!


Ethos is a combination of simple techniques that will allow you to very easily begin using THE POWER OF SUGGESTION in your mentalism performances!


Known for his best selling ebooks on suggestion and hypnosis (ICAIS 1&2) and hypnotic work on international television, Lewis Le Val shares a very simple method for introducing suggestion, that will allow you to remain confident in your efforts without worry of things not working or going wrong.


The only prop you will need is a pendulum.


Once your preferred level of suggestion has been established, you can continue the performance ENTIRELY PROPLESS.


What happens:


The pendulum begins by moving normally in your spectator’s hand.
Suddenly, things change, as it begins to move unexpectedly, doing the opposite of your spectator’s intention.
Moments later, your spectator finds themselves unable to physically LET GO OF THE PENDULUM! 
From here, the doors of suggestion are wide open, and you begin to apply suggestions of your own design!


Le Val then explains his fantastic ’spectator as mind reader’ approach; 


After warming up and conditioning your spectator with the Ethos technique, they will then be able to look at you and begin to instantly read your mind! Not your thoughts, your mind. The difference is poetically explained in this download.


This PROPLESS and IMPROMPTU mind reading technique can be used anywhere at any time.Cause spectators to be able to read your mind, or keep this secret to yourself and read their mind, and the minds of anyone and everyone else instead!


Although both techniques taught in this download can be used separately, they also fit together nicely too, as Ethos can be made to appear as a connection process between the minds of the performer and spectator.


In around 60 MINUTES of video instruction, you will learn:


- The basics of what suggestion is and how it works
- The main Ethos technique and its contributing elements
- What to say and do to allow suggestion to begin working with your spectator
- Clever tips, tricks and subtleties to make things happen smoother and enhance the experience
- What to do or say if things don’t go as planned
- How to apply your own suggestions (and some ideas to get you started)
- The intuitive mind reading technique
- Working with the ‘crystal ball’ of the subconscious mind
- A brief lecture on the subconscious and how the mind is experienced 
- How to use these techniques to provide impromptu readings without ever having to memorize anything


and more.


You will receive two video downloads:
Video One (Ethos) duration: 36:30
Video Two (Mind Reading) duration: 23:48

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
richard s.

Absolutely fantastic, so easy to practice suggestions on your subjects and the mindreadng explanation great, so easy thanks Lewis

Ryan Fricke
Excellent material

This two part video download is filled with very strong information. The Ethos technique is very strong but not specifically for everyone. Lewis in many of his releases has been moving towards concepts and technique to get people comfortable with real mind reading. I feel some performers are looking for an effect rather than a real world application that requires some thought. Lewis has really moved to real mind reading, this being said, the Ethos technique is no different. Lewis speaks on the Ethos technique as a way to condition the spectator through suggestion and the use of a pendulum. Lewis also has really amazing thoughts on spectator as a mind reader that are well worth the cost of the video. Lewis, in this download does go on many tangents throughout the course of this video. However, the tangents I feel sometimes give the most insight into the why and reasons that he structures things the way he does. This is a very strong release and something can be used by all performers to better their performances and take their work to a new level. Thanks for your work and your continued efforts push mentalism and mind reading forward.

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