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Silvia Stjärna: The Complete Exclusive Collection (INSTANT DOWNLOAD)

Silvia Stjärna: The Complete Exclusive Collection (INSTANT DOWNLOAD)

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Upon first meeting Lewis Le Val in 2018, he was blown away by her use of simple yet beautiful mentalism methods and cunning techniques within her work as a full-time psychic reader and healer.



The Four Pillars Of Truth

In The Four Pillars Of Truth, you will learn Silvia’s refreshing approach to giving accurate and well-structured cartomancy and tarot readings. Cartomancy always seemed to be the least appealing divination system, until now. After we read Silvia’s approach, it quickly became a house favorite!

Within an hour of reading this technique, you’ll be ready to give accurate and engaging readings anytime, anywhere, with or without a deck of cards! 

  • The Four Pillars Of Truth card reading system.
  • The Devil’s Picture-book is a darkly poetic method for learning and remembering the meanings of the playing cards.
  • How to apply the reading system to Tarot.
  • How to use the system PROPLESS.
  • How to provide ‘rapid-fire’ readings during other routines.
  • The easiest propless Q&A ever, in which your spectators never write anything down or voice their questions out loud.
  • The ‘Delicate Medium’ approach.

And more! 

Also included is Lewis Le Val’s contribution to the Four Pillars system, ‘Subconscious Readings’, involving a clever subtlety that will make you grin from ear to ear, and all it requires are four business cards and a pen. 

What impressed us most was Silvia’s reasoning behind giving readings. They’re genuinely helpful and insightful, and after reading The Four Pillars Of Truth, it’s clear to see that this information is gold, directly from the toolbox of a full-time professional. 


Old Things Have Strange Hungers pt.1

In ‘Old Things, Part 1’ you will learn Silvia’s beautiful presentation for the Haunted Key. No ghosts or spirits, instead we hear the story of a forgotten wooden box once owned by a mysterious fortune teller. It’s said that those who looked inside the box would gain a glimpse into their future.

What the box contained would be unique to each and every person who dared to look, and in this fascinating presentation, a single spectator gets the opportunity to look for themselves.

No box is necessary! All you need to perform this effect is a Haunted Key and a handwritten note. This is motivational mentalism at its finest!

As a bonus, Silvia’s intro script for ‘Spectator As Mind Reader’ is also included, allowing you to instantly increase the strength of your existing SAMR routines!


Old Things Have Strange Hungers Pt. 2 

In ‘Old Things Part 2’, Silvia is back with two more fantastic, never seen before uses for the Haunted Key.

First, we have ‘Energy Of The Unknown’. A spectator writes the name of a loved one on the back of your business card, which is then mixed among other cards, held face down in your spectator’s hand. The key not only allows you to locate the correct card but also to reveal what’s been written. The presentation here is beautiful, and the scripting allows your haunted key to unlock a door in your spectator’s mind, which can genuinely be felt!

Next, we have ‘Dimension Hop.’ Your spectator walks through an imaginary door and into an altered reality, in which they can make conscious shifts in how they experience life from there on. This is not your standard mentalism effect, yet equally as powerful. Dimension Hop is closer to Shamanic Psychotherapy than it is to a routine, and all you need is a simple key!


The Candle and The Circle

The Candle and The Circle is an entirely propless mind-reading system that you can use anywhere, anytime.

People know that mind reading doesn’t just suddenly happen, so in order for it to become possible, something needs to occur; a switch must be flipped within your spectator’s mind. The Candle and The Circle not only beautifully opens up the space for mind reading but also allows you to produce a full reading out of thin air with no memorized scripts or stock lines.

You will learn Silvia’s method for giving spontaneous, impromptu mind readings, which was developed with the help of Lewis Le Val.

If you were to drop everything else in your mentalism repertoire and only use this, you could still be seen as the ‘real deal.’

 In this PDF, the foreword from Lewis Le Val details his thoughts on Silvia’s approach and philosophy, followed by an interesting introduction from Silvia, as well as her thought-provoking explanation of the mind-reading system.



Silvia continues to amaze us with her approach to being the real deal, and ‘Insight’ is no exception.

Silvia shares some beautiful uses for the pendulum, specifically aimed at those who do any form of reading.

‘What’s Meant For Me’ will show you an incredibly useful technique to discover the most important areas of your spectator’s life, even if they themselves don’t consciously realize it! This not only gives your readings a mystical opening but also provides you with an immediate direction to take your reading in, meaning that every word of the reading itself will be of value to your spectator. In this section, you will also find a short but cheeky line that will cause your spectator to automatically tell you everything you need to know to provide them with the most personalized reading imaginable.

‘Sixty Second Healing’ provides you with a short yet powerful ritual to dispel any negativity from an area of your spectator’s life, with demonstrable ‘proof’ of the ritual’s power.

Within these pages, you will also find her advice on dealing with difficult spectators, getting greater results out of the pendulum itself, and also an impressive explanation of the nature of pendulums.


Fate Card

Fate Card is the Cartomancer’s secret weapon. If you do any sort of playing card readings, Fate Card is the perfect tool to end your readings with, allowing you to leave your sitter with an utterly convincing yet motivating message for their future!

Based on an age-old playing card force, the presentation, scripting, and handling provided by Silvia breathes new life into this forgotten utility and truly makes it something special. The best part is that it’s practically self-working.

You begin with a three-phase reading, focusing on your sitter’s thoughts, feelings, and actions before giving them an inspiring glimpse into their future.

The deck can be borrowed and shuffled, and there is no setup or cleanup. Once you have this knowledge, you will always be ready to not only give intimate playing card readings but also offer something not many others can.


Ten Dollar Peek Wallet

Imagine being able to make a peek wallet that will cost you no more than ten dollars in materials and only TWO SECONDS to make. That is exactly what you’ll find here.

The Ten Dollar Peek Wallet is ridiculously easy to construct yet professional enough to use in any performance situation.

There is no cutting, glueing or arts and crafts, the construction of the wallet is straightforward and automatic.

Can the wallet be real leather? Sure!

Will I need any tools? Nope!

How much of the card or billet can be peeked? 100% of it!

Silvia also explains her handling of the wallet as well as some useful tips, including one short line at the end of the PDF that completely opens the door to many possibilities that other, more expensive wallets simply aren’t capable of.


The Prophecy Game

If you dare to play the game, your life may never be the same.

The routine begins with the following script:

“The Prophecy Game originates in an obscure sect of Tibetan Buddhism, in which practitioners believed they could spin the wheel of fate in an instant, setting them on a new path or course for the future. The fact that you couldn’t choose the path on which you’d end up meant that the game was considered dangerous, and the change was believed to be instant.

In 1948, American psychologists compared it to a well-researched concept called the ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’, a process through which an originally false expectation leads to its own confirmation, meaning the game actually works, whether you believe in it or not.”

Silvia has taken an age-old mentalism ‘trick’ and turned it into a powerful piece of transformative mentalism. The Prophecy Game can be used to close readings, answer difficult questions or even be used as a standalone piece.

All you need is a blank business card, a pen, and a specific piece of information contained in this ebook.


Healer's Touch

Healer’s Touch is the perfect performance piece for the mentalist with a mystical or even shamanic style.

Imagine being able to channel healing energy into the body of your spectator, which results in GENUINE positive and healing changes to their life.

You will also be able to prove and visibly demonstrate the before and after effects of your healing touch by simply using a pendulum.

In this PDF, you will learn everything you need to know to harness the power of the Healer’s Touch and begin using it right away.

This is serious work, yet simple and elegant to perform. Whilst Healer’s Touch can be performed in just a couple of minutes, you could even stretch it into a 20-minute healing session.

Here, you will gain a powerful new skill, and it is far easier than you may think.

Healer’s Touch can be used anywhere from one-to-one settings to large group exercises. 




Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Barry Cooper
Great for starting with readings

Well-written, with good attention to detail. Includes imaginative ideas and a simple way to learn card meanings, which can be extended into other forms of reading.

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